Last weekend was a great weekend for nutjob runners.

For those of you who don't know, the Beast of Burden 100 is a 100 mile race along the historic Erie Canal. It is run once in the summer and once in the winter. You can also choose to run the 50 miler or the 24 hour race. Not your ordinary run in the park.

watched as Milko Mejia from Fresh Meadows, NY came in at 25:31. He was welcomed
home with cheers, cowbells and the Rolling Stone's Beast of Burden blasting out
of the loud speakers.

Broadmax from Ft. Bragg, NC ran a 12:35:40 and Kerri Haskins from Danville, NY
ran a 14:22:55. Both were still there cheering in the rest of the runners. Jim Pease did fifty miles as a practice run!
Pasceri the youngest of the runners, just 13 years old ran 50 miles in
17:13:38! His proud father, Sam, looked on with pride. The day before the race Sam
fell from the first floor to the basement and broke 11 vertebrae, herniated 5
other discs, broke his left shoulder and most of the ribs on his right side.
Originally he was going to pace his son. Obviously he was no longer able to run
in the race but nothing was going to stop him from being there when Dom crossed
the finish line.
winner of the race, Joseph Czabaranek from Dayton, Ohio came in at 14:47:30
beating the course record of 14:56:50 set by Valmir Nunes from Brazil at the
Summer Beast. Click here for the
rest of the results.
Next we headed out to Gonzos Bar in Lockport NY where the Buffalo Hash House Harriers were meeting for Hash #704 - NUTS, it's Cold Out! The Hashers are billed as a drinking club with a running problem.

heard all kinds of strange stories about the Hashers we were expecting a bunch
of crazy, drunken redneckers. Instead what we found were the nicest bunch of
well read, personable runners you'd ever want to meet.

is the rule of the day. The hash officially starts at 12:69 (1:09) but in
reality it actually starts around 2:30 because everybody first meets inside the bar
for a beer or two and socializes before the run.
it was explained to me, every hash is different, nobody but the hares know
where the trail will lead them. You just follow the hash marks. All hashers
wear a whistle (if you forget your whistle that is a penalty - more on that
later). If someone is off the trail they will blow the whistle to keep everyone
on track. There are no winners or losers here.
every mile marker you drink a beer and sing.
The fastest runners wait for the slowest runners. Nobody is left behind.
I hope I am getting all of the details and names right. There is a lot to learn.
penalties include no peeing on the trail, no hats in the circle and other
violations that are made up along the way.
Any hasher can call a penalty on their fellow hashers during the run.
When the hash is over everybody gathers in a circle and the penalties are doled
out, one cup of beer at a time.
Being injured and on meds I decided to send a scout out on the trail with the
hashers to see what it was all about. I needed someone ready to run anywhere, anytime
for any reason, someone not quite right in the head. The choice was obvious. The Cannibal quickly
changed into his running clothes at the bar.

the run he reported back to us. Having heard some of the details I wasn't sure
if he was reporting accurately or just delusional from the beer and snow. It
was obvious I was going to have to run this thing myself next time.
When I do my first hash I will report back with the details.
When I do my first hash I will report back with the details.
* * * * *
what's next? Rumor has it there is a race coming up in February where the guys run
in heels and red dresses. You'd have to be a real nut job to do that one. See you there.
Great post and very inspiring. May have to try hashing myself.
ReplyDeleteGreat job Dom!!!