Sunday, December 23, 2012

What Runners Do When They Can't Run

While puttering around the house one night I suddenly found myself  bouncing down a flight of stairs on my back. This quickly turned into an ambulance ride to ECMC. Prognosis:  three broken ribs, one slightly  punctured lung and a fractured lower vertebrae.

Another words, no running for a few months.

So what do when you're a runner and you're not allowed to run?

Time to write that eBook that's been lurking around your brain.

I've never written an eBook before so I turned to my computer to find out how. The answer was at one of my favorite sources for free kindle books called

For the cost of zero dollars I downloaded a book called Building Your Book for Kindle, put out by Kindle Direct Publishing.  It provides step by step instructions on writing, formatting and publishing your eBook.

There many sources out there for self publishing.  Most charge a fee.  Amazon Kindle charges nothing.  Anyone can write and publish an eBook. Whether it's a good book that actually sells is entirely up to you.

Basically, this is what you do.

1. Get yourself a word processing program.  Microsoft Word 2010 is recommended though the earlier versions will work also.  You can also use OpenOffice or LibraOffice.
2. Following the formatting guidelines in the book, write your material. When you are done, proofread it well.
3. Prepare a cover.
4. Upload and check the quality of your book and make any necessary changes.
5. Publish it!

* Detailed instructions for each step are in the book.

**Another good source of information is Amazon's Kindle Publishing Guidelines

Due to my injuries, I'm off of work for the next thirty some days.  So, like the saying goes,

"When you can't run, write." - the golden squirrel

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