Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bringing The Run Inside

"There's no such thing as bad weather, just soft people."

- Bill Bowerman

Winter running is great for thickening the blood, building endurance and just plain toughening up, but sometimes you need a break.

There's no shame in doing an inside workout now and then, no matter what Bill Bowerman says.  After all, isn't that why you bought all of that equipment?

Constant running in the snow and ice can be tough on your body.  Give your knees and hips a break.

The elliptical is easy on the joints and will give you a great workout. 

For cardio workouts and endurance training, try the sparkpeople site.

Of course, eventually you do need to go back outside, especially if you're training for something completely insane like the Beast of Burden.

But who would be crazy enough to do something like that?

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